
assalamualaikum cynte ~~ <3
waalaikummusalam rnduu ~~ <3

haaa!!kantay suda tgk blog aku..haha..i dont care lha..haha..yunx pntg kownx fllow pon da oke da..tpy kalau kownx da tgk..kownx wjib fllow tao... sygg kownx ketadketad lhaa.....


kekasih yunx ayna sygg

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senyum..ta prluu kta apa"..hxhhx....senyum kechik juz toq die cownk jubb..hxhhxh///

Isnin, 5 Disember 2011

membe until mampoz..huhh...cutycuty goq...kangen downx sma membe" qu..hxhxh...

huhuhu...wahay membe qu ..hxhxhh...kangen donx sama kamu semua....kangen banget..hxhx..huhh/...bes yubb da cuty..hxhhxxh...ermm...py blea da cty...er,,,bushan plop..ermm./..bagaimn ini..hxhxh..blea kne lex OZTEL..ermm..hxhxh//msinxmsinx mulot muncong cm itik..hxhxh...msinxmsinx tana./..py blea da pad cty..ermm...kebushanan laq melande...aduchh...ermm...hxhxhxh....laow bushan ckieytckieyt ta per tao..nyp bole dykate arn thp cipan da nyp..hxhxh...cipan ownn ta bushan cm nyp ..hxhxh..tapertaper...mcinxmcinx da deer bf...so..hxhxh..per  gne derr bf laow ta paz arn kebushanan tyte tat downx arnn..hxhxh....laow na cter sal bushan...cmpy taon dpn ownn ta besh agy arnn..hxhxh..per ssh..buku derr...STUDY lopp..hxhxh..ermm..kownx kne egt...taon pan tyte kne amex SIJIL PERGI MATY...hxhxhxh..ermm...sdo arh dry toe ea..hxhxh//ermm....STUDY HARD STUDY SMARD..hxhxhxh...egtegt..jan lpea donx..hxhxhh/./ukn bf juubb kne SMARD...STUDY ownn ownn sme goq..hxhxh...niad aty na mcoq METRIK...py...hxhxh..ADMATE own TUNGGANG TERBALIK agy...bragan na mcoq metrik..hhxxhxh../ermm..py laow ta bole ownn,..U ownn jdy arhh..hxhxh...tyte smesme doa arn lhaa ea tyte pad result yunx oke...hxhxhx..ty cmecme bole mcoq U O METRIK yunx sme arn..hxhxh...ermm//BERAGAN JUPP OWTT.,..hxhxh...ermm...TOE MASZ...AWIEZ N AYU..shabat aq yunx sllu berkepet 24 jum nan aq ..hxhxh...ermm..toe arh membe toq ngumpad yubb...hxhxh..bole dkte arn tyte nyp munx genx arhh/./hxhxh...ermm...sownx pad prob...sume kerjesme..hxhxh...uad kte wnderped...aper yunx pntg..krjesme..hxhxhh...ermm...kownx...aq wndoo donx sme kamuu sume...huhh...ckmo tyaptyap arey tyte meet arnn//hxhxh..da lme tyte apad...ghxhxhxh...ermm...pejamceleqpejamceleq...tyte da jdy senior da arn..hxhxh..ta sgke...huhh....senior ta meced...hxhxhxh...ermm...egtegt arh whay membe qu..hxhxh...skema laq ea...mentnxmentnx anaq mured mama liza..hxhxhx...ermm...taon dpn tyte na amex SIJIL PERGI MATY tao..egt..hxhhxh...tyte uad stdy groub smesme tao..hxhhxh...egt... TOE FARA.. QEMA N BELLA ...nyp membe aq yunx gylergyler arhh..hxhhxh...ermm//gylergler goq...SIJIL PERGI MATY kne egt..hxhhxxh...ermm...bf kwonx toe...jgn lpea..hxhxhxh///ermm//.ayna wndoo donx sme kownx...hxhxhxh///wlaopon ta brkepet 24 jum..tyte stay apad arnn..hhxhxhxh///ope kwonx epy lopp mem nan ayna...ayna nyp ta arh bex cnad..hxhxhhx...ermm...ayna tao taon dpn kownx na pnda arnn..ermm//kownx ckp ckola kownx cm pnjre..hxhxh...ckola ayna agy arhh cm pnjre..da arh utan...kownx kre untung lop tat bnda...ayna nyp..lmelme ckola toe bole uad zoo..hhhxxhh..ermm...ta per lop...ope kownx bole sble arn dry kownx ty tat ckola bwu ea..ayna doa arn kownx bole..hxhxxh..oke....ayna derr smothink na ckp nan membe" ayna nyp...


hxhxh,,,masz...membe aq yunx agaq gylurgylur...ermm...cm nea nan cik rafie tamoo toe..udah setell..hxhxh..ta per,,,tamoo cun..amay yunx menanty,,hxhxh..bulat derr..hxhxh..ermm...weyh..aq na mx maf laow aq derr uad slh nan qo ea,..tyte na spm taon dpn..ope tyte bole stdy sme" tao..qo pnday...aq kurnx..so tlnx arh aq ea...aq ope arn qo jubb...er,,,1 jubb aq na puji qo..wlaopun qo ta sme clz nan tyte ownx...qo amex bio,,,py qo stay mem apad nan tyte ownx arnn...munx aq tabex arh qo.,.hxhxh...smangad stie kwn qo munx hebad...hxhxh...ermm..papaer ownn..aq munx wndoo gyler tat qo...ope taon dpn qo doq oztel ea..hxhxh....ta puas lop meet qo mce tat ckola jubb..hhxhxhxh..paper ownn...i <3 u so much sygg,,,,gud lark spm k sygss,,,


FARA....ayna cygg banget sme fra,,,thnz k bup fra ayak cnad bsba nan ayna wlaopon ayna pna mencrot cmcm tat fra..py fra stay agy lyn ayna bexbex arn...ayna cygg cnad fra..fra da ayax tlnx ayna...cmcm arh..cal capad..cmcm agy..thnz a lotss sygg...syg....ayna na mx maf laow ayna derr uad slhh nan fra k...doa arn ayna cmerlg lm SPM k...ayna doa arn toq fra goq k..fra..na pnda ckola ea...tkcre sygg...bljo lexlox k..ty pad smer pod bljo nan ayna..hxhxh...syg...gmbo nyp tnde ayna sygss n ta arn lpea fra cmpy bblea...laowpun tyte meet just skly..py ayna tao yunx fra bole jdy membe ayna yunx terbex...sygg..i <3 fra so much...gudlark SPM k...


HEY BUDAQ KACE MATE..hxhxhh...eertmm...wndoo donx smer qoh..hxhxhh...ermm..lme ta ta dgoo cerr qoh nan wax n jerin..hxhxh...ermm//rah kurun anea ty qoh na ukaq arn blog nyp..py ta per...aq tls goq..hxhxh...hey...thnx bup qo na mem nan aq...thnx bup thn nan prgai gylergyler aq yunx mmalu arn qoh..hxhxxh...qoh ownn cme...kne tlnx aq gaq tao na SPM..aq ope arn tat qoh gaq...ty tyte stdy hard k sygg...egt tao...tlnx aq..aq kurenx ckieyt...qoh pnday ta per..ermm..hxhxhxh../weyh..aq na mx maf laow aq derr uad slh nan qo ea...tyte na exm,...so tyte uad tol" k syg....ermm...jge pkwe qoh toe lexlox k...hhxxhxh...ta mao nkalnkal...k lop..bubye...aq sygg qo cnadcnad ...bup qoh sllu dgoo cerr aq arnn...ermm..hxhxhxh....qoh ownn cllu uad kptsan tat aq...ermm...qoh arh pndgoo stie aq laow aq derr prob nan cpad..hxhxh...k lop..ta mao crnxxrnx...hxhxh...i <3 u sygg...gudlarh SPM k...


uyydd daq cute,,hxhhxh...ermm...ayna cygg awq arhh..hxhxh..sygggs snad...bup qema ckmo dgoo cter ayna arnn..hxhxhxh...qema ownn tmpad ayna lpas arn bushann..hxhxhxh...laow ayna bushan...qema jdy mgse,,hxhxhxh...ermm...qema..ayna na mxx maff laow ayna derr uad slh nan qema k,,,ermm,,,ayna best cnad mem nan qema..qema sport,,hxhxhh...ayna gyler..qema ownn gyler..hxhxh...laow ownn ayna ta ta pna agy jumpe qema...py ayna pad ase yunx qema leyh kwn nan ayna..hxhxhh...qema..ayna tao ty qema na pnda ckola arnn..ermm//tkcre cyg....ope qema bole stble arn dry k...muaghhh...ayna cygg qema cnad...qema...jge dyad lexlox ..hxhxh..ta mao crng k..hxhxh..wloupon da derr niad..mty arn niad toe..doa arn ayna spm k...hxhxhxh...k lop...i <3 u cnad"...muaxhmyuax...ayna ope qema like cmpy lebum..gudlark cygg....


Aiyy daq mucuk..hxhxhhx//ermm..wndoo yubb tat qo..hahah...tyte mem da ame arnn///ermm..hxhxh..da nan dkt 11 taonn da..hxhxh//thnx yupp sygg..hxhxhh..ermm//dry ckola rndh agy..skeaskea..ayu...aq na ckp thnz bup qoh sudy jdy mem aq dry aq ckola rndh agy until now...aq thru cnad...qoh laow aq derr prob..qo arh pod aq ngdu...da arh ctycty nyp qoh lex kg..aduch..bushan doe..hxhxh...weyh...ty lex ckola..tyte stdy ssme tao..xhhxh..jan lpea aq...ayu..aq na mx maf ea laow aq derr uad slh nan qoh...tyte na SPM..so tyte ta maoo gdo k...hxhxh..lme arh ta dgoo cerr qoh sey myroll..hxhxh..ta per taper..ty tat ckola k..wndoo cnad na bkeped 24 jum nan qoh..hxhxh...ope taon pan tyte stay agy k yunx...ermm...dorm dkaddekad arh...snng aq na gey ty..hxhxhxh...na mum smesme nan qoh..wndoo yubb..ermm...ty lex uma qoh tmpanx aq...lex oztel aq laq tmpanx qoh..hhxhxhx...ayu..aq cyggss qoh cnad...ermm.thnz bup qoh thn nan gylergyler aq ea..hxhxh..qoh own gyler skly..hxhxh...k lop..syg...aq sygg qo cnad.. i <3 u...sygg...gudlark k SPM...


uyydd daq woongey..hxhxxhh...ermm..per ayna na ckp sey bella ea.hxhxhx...bella..per cerr yoi..hxhxh..ta mao gdogdo donx...qownx da cweed...cygg lopp..hxhxh././cyg...thnz ea bup na jdy bff ayna...wloupon tyte juz pna meet skly jubb..py bella stay egt n na mem nan ayna..hxhxh...time ayna meet bella..ayna ta arn lpea cmpy bblea k...ayna egt..ayna uad kgn..hxhxhxh...bella...thnz ea bup sdy dgoo probb ayna...hgee~~...syg bella arhh..hxhxh...sygg/./ayna na mx maf ea laow ayna derr uad slh nan bella...ty..laow tyte bjye ssme..tyte mcoq pob stdy ssme ea sygg/./hxhxh//trigin na bljoo ssme nan bella..hxhxhxh...bella..ayna tao bella na pnda arn...bella..tkcre your self k...ope bella pad stble arn dry k sygg....bljoo lexlox ea syg..sygg..ayna na mx maff laow derrr uad slhh...thnz bup n jdy mem ayna k..muahh//sygg bella...i <3 u sygg....gudlark SPM k...  

1 ulasan:

  1. This the RED LUCIFER with RED_ KILLER - RED _RIDDER_ 666?
    You with RICK the PRICK and THE ROCCE?
    I need to get ODISPA and UREDISTE in ONNCE for LOSSON.
    It's about LAWAVA and that NATOUR.
    They got a complication COMPLAND.
    And it REAKS on FLAKSTE with DEWORPH and PHOKER.
    EWATN knows it's true.
    He and ROOTY 009 been complaining about INTALL- LLSTT.
    And that's fucking AMANDA SUMMER TEN!
    Don't you dare fuck me around or BBLEA will get BUSESH and GERILLA.
    ESZEE does it?
    I don't think so.
    DOESS is pissing off ROPLANCY!
    And you know what that means.
    LEORT went with ZOORT and with STING'S BUMMYCHE - GERICKE!
    That's YONSTE - MMNST!
    So you tell MKSCA- ASOCHER is coming around the bend in CHERSCO and
    that's a real SHETOR- SEMPOU- URPOU!
    Cause that's EDOPO!
    RENTSS- LEASSETA did the HENZIL and now GEREASE & TARENTA got to talk RENEFERE to Feds.
    DONNA 444444.
    You got that?
    You got that?
    You got that?
    That's the RESSIN why SYRIA is telling on the QUEEN!
    " Assholes".
